Pleasant Garner Reflects on Munch and Midterms

These are the endless days of pure stress and procrastination. These are the days of complaining endlessly and restlessly reading Buzzfeed and trying valiantly to navigate Blackboard to find that practice midterm. We boast about how little we sleep and call our parents surreptitiously as we walk back to our dorms just so we can Read more about Pleasant Garner Reflects on Munch and Midterms[…]

Recap: Failed Love 2014

It might have been cold outside, but Failed Love still drew a large, warm crowd this past Thursday evening. Several of the Museum’s galleries were transformed into an intimate coffeehouse setting. Students lounged on couches and walked about the galleries, cheering on the performers. Poets like Chris Littlewood and Lana Daniels shared their tales of love lost Read more about Recap: Failed Love 2014[…]

My Current Favorite Piece – Katrina Maxcy ’14

My favorite painting in the Art Museum is Childe Hassam’s Rainy Day, Fifth Avenue. I really like the distortion in the painting created by the broad, choppy brushstrokes.  When looking at this painting, one can see that there is some kind of event going on, potentially a parade, but beyond this, the event remains a Read more about My Current Favorite Piece – Katrina Maxcy ’14[…]

My Current Favorite Piece – Emi Alexander ’14

It is hard to choose just one piece in the Princeton Art Museum to love. Right now, my favorite work in the Picturing Power exhibit is John Bright by Giuseppe Fagnani. When you first enter the museum, there are white walls and open space. This is the modern room. The pieces here change fairly often Read more about My Current Favorite Piece – Emi Alexander ’14[…]